Monday, February 14, 2011

Cell phones in schools- Fixed

A month ago, my principal decided that students would not be allowed to bring cell phones to school.She made this decision because there is a problem in our school, since students bring their cell phones with them to class, and use them during the lessons. I agree with this decision to not bring cell phones to class.

Cell phones damage the students' concentration and it affects their grades. When they play with their cell phones during class, they concentrate only on their phone and they do not listen to the teacher or write anything in their notebooks. This problem makes the students lose a lot of important material and as a result, they fail in tests. 

Another reason why cell phones are not needed in schools is the radiation.When the students sit in class with their cell phones, a lot of radiation is emitted and it can cause the students to health problems and one of them is cancer.

In c
onclusion, bringing cell phones to class has many disadvantage. They make the students fail in tests,might make them sick because of the radiation. Even though the other students in school think that this rule is bad,I think that this rule is very useful and the lessons are much quieter thanks to it.

Very Good work.

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