Sunday, May 29, 2011

Distance learning

Recently, the Ministry of Education allowed pupils to study for the Bible exam online. The students learn on their own with the help of a forum, where they can ask the teacher questions and get help online from each other. At the end of the year, all the students do the bagrut exam in class. I would not want to join this program because it is better to learn in class.

Learning online does not develop the students social skills. When you only sit next to the computer, without any company, you do not
use your communication skills, as a result, you do not make any firends at all. In distance learning,  you see your teacher through a screen and everything is made through the computer and it is harder to explain your problems and understand the material.

In addtion,you need self discipline to learn in that way. When you learn online in your home and with computer, you feel lazy to prepare your homework because you have nobody who pushes you to keep doing them. Therefore, this program is suitable only for students who have self discipline and who can make their homework without anyone who will push them.

In conclusion, the new program only helps  the students who know how to make their homework by their own and harms the students who have to get pushed by someone to do them. In addtion, this way of learning can be hard for some of the children, and that is why my opinion is that distance learning is more harmful than helpful.

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