Monday, May 16, 2011

Sholud I volunteer or hang out with my friends?- Fixed

Pupils have a lot of things to do in the afternoon. Some join a volunteering program such as, volunteer in the police, hospitals, community centers and in homes for the elderly. Some others prefer to hang out with their friends and play games such as football, basketball, tennis or just hang out in the pool. I think that it is better to volunteer than hang out with friends because it is more helpful for you and for the community.

Volunterring makes you feel better. When you help the community, the reward you receive is not in money,but in your spirit(phr.). When you see someone thank you or smile to you, you feel
good about yourself and think that you actually make something(ww.) instead of wasting your time on trivial things, like hanging out with yuor(sp.) friends or just sitting at home.

In addition,
volunterring make(gr.-makes) you more responsible. For example, when I volunteer in the police station and I search for suspicious objects that may be bombs, I feel responsibility for other people's lives and when I think like that I am giving(gr.) the best from myself(phr.) so people can feel safe in their environment and outside of it.

In conclusion, volunteering programs are recommended for people who want to give from themselves(מיותר) to the community because it makes them feel good about themselves. Instead of being lazy or hanging out with your friends, you can help people to get better and feel better in(ww.-with) thier(sp.) lives.Volunteer work helps you and your community, only if each one will give(gr. - gives) someting from himself for the others.(phr.)

It's a bit better, but there is still some work to be done.


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